Intro - copy
....... these longings, these latent expectations for that very image, lays at the moment excactly right behind our collective "blind spot" called: photography.
Photography became our addiction, it's blinding us. This photographic realism is depending on huge logistical infrastructures and highly sophisticated technology.
So we don't know anymore how to cope with other sorts of realisms.
And by the way, don't forget that all our media uses this concept of lineair perspective. It is one of the strong and driving forces in a process which we call today: globalisation.
From the Interviews: Perth sessions. IX

1 / 12
Sacred Rock
(Angwurrgwurrigba, Groote Eylandt. Northern Territory, Australia.)

2 / 12
Bird Dancers with Songmen
(Angurugu, Groote Eylandt. Northern Territory, Australia.)

3 / 12
Bird-Dancers with Songmen II
(Angurugu, Groote Eylandt. Northern Territory, Australia.)

4 / 12
Business Relationship
(Angurugu, Groote Eylandt. Northern Territory, Australia.)

5 / 12
CountryMen with Children
(Angurugu, Groote Eylandt. Northern Territory, Australia.)

6 / 12
(Angurugu, Groote Eylandt. Northern Territory, Australia.)

7 / 12
Logistic preparations
(Umbakumba, Groote Eylandt. Northern Territory, Australia.)

8 / 12
The Caterpillar Jive
(Umbakumba, Groote Eylandt. Northern Territory, Australia.)

9 / 12
The coming of Fire
(Ndunga, Groote Eylandt. Northern Territory, Australia.)

The Goorda Myth
10 / 12
Dreamtime Lake
(Bokkeduinen, near Hoogland, The Netherlands.)

11 / 12
The holy Bernadetta
turns into Balrumba
turns into Balrumba
Of the Wurramara group, (Ship-Totem myth)

12 / 12

At the holy tree on the border of the Emerald River,
Groote Eylandt. Northern Territory, Australia.)
Groote Eylandt. Northern Territory, Australia.)
The Spirit of Tommaso Cassaio (Masaccio) arrives.
1 negative

BONUS ( + 30 )
11 photographs
12 photographs
13 photographs
12 photographs
10 photographs
12 photographs
10 photographs and 1 negative
10 photographs
12 photographs
8 photographs